SPRING MEETINGS: 2022-2023 School Year
Date/Time: 5/22/2023, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Place: Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Participants: Deborah Anderson (Executive Director), Amy Udompanyanan (Secretary), Victoria Connick (Head Treasurer), Eyal Tal (Parent Member-at-Large), Ava Lin (Parent Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Steve Mok (Teacher Member-at-Large), Sumin Hong (Teacher), and PPP Parents (see totals below)
Staff attendees 4
Parent attendees 27
Misc or unknown attendees 2
K-Gulland 3
1-Wilbanks 8
2-Mok 9
3-Hong 7
Meeting slides:
Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm
PPP First Grade Teacher: Ms. Wilbanks
PPP Second Grade Teacher: Mr. Mok
PPP Third Grade Teacher: Mrs. Hong
PPP Funds Spent: $35,500
PPP Ending Balance: $23,400
Secretary: Amy Udompanyanan
Head Treasurer: Victoria Connick
Parent Member-at-Large: Ava Lin
Parent Member-at-Large: Eyal Tal
Teacher Member-at-Large: Ms. Donna Wilbanks
Teacher Member-at-Large: Mr. Steve Mok
Two children: 40 hours
Three children: 50 hours
A: (Amy Udompanyanan) Deferred to answering this question via email.
Q: How do I find my classroom’s WhatsApp chat?
A: (Deborah Anderson) Eyal Tal manages the WhatsApp chats and can direct you accordingly.
Meeting adjourned at 6:43 pm
Place: Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Participants: Deborah Anderson (Executive Director), Amy Udompanyanan (Secretary), Victoria Connick (Head Treasurer), Eyal Tal (Parent Member-at-Large), Ava Lin (Parent Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Steve Mok (Teacher Member-at-Large), Sumin Hong (Teacher), and PPP Parents (see totals below)
Staff attendees 4
Parent attendees 27
Misc or unknown attendees 2
K-Gulland 3
1-Wilbanks 8
2-Mok 9
3-Hong 7
Meeting slides:
Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm
- Welcome (Deborah Anderson)
- Thank you to Tom Nguyen and Yung Tran for help with hosting meeting
- First year coming back post-Covid
- Thank you to parents for their support and volunteerism
- Review of Agenda
- PPP Mission/Purpose
- Introduction of PPP Teachers
PPP First Grade Teacher: Ms. Wilbanks
PPP Second Grade Teacher: Mr. Mok
PPP Third Grade Teacher: Mrs. Hong
- 2022-2023 Classroom Highlights
- Kindergarten (Ms. Gualland)
- SF Opera
- Return of in-person field trips
- Parents volunteers for many activities were integral
- First (Ms. Wilbanks)
- Virtual and in-person field trips and going off campus
- The best part was having parent volunteers back in the classroom
- Second (Mr. Mok)
- First year as a PPP teacher and as a second grade teacher
- Happy Hollow and USS Hornet
- Third (Mrs. Hong)
- Book to Bravo with SF Opera
- Students picked a Greek myth, wrote their own lyrics and music
- Performed opera based on the 12 tasks of Hercules
- One of the youngest, but strongest group of students among classrooms in Bay Area
- All possible due to parent volunteers
- Thank you to teachers (Deborah Anderson)
- Head Treasurer’s Report (Victoria Connick)
- PPP Starting Balance: $13,100
PPP Funds Spent: $35,500
PPP Ending Balance: $23,400
- PPP Current Balances by Classroom
- Kindergarten: $4,600
- First: $6,300
- Second: $8,000
- Third: $4,600
- Still not at the end of the school year, so there are some outstanding expenses
- Reminder that leftover funds remain with the classrooms
- First regular school year as a Pandemic PPP Parent
- Thank you to parents for their support
- Looking Forward to the 2023-2024 School Year (Deborah Anderson)
- Introduction of PPP Board Members for 2023-2024 School Year
Secretary: Amy Udompanyanan
Head Treasurer: Victoria Connick
Parent Member-at-Large: Ava Lin
Parent Member-at-Large: Eyal Tal
Teacher Member-at-Large: Ms. Donna Wilbanks
Teacher Member-at-Large: Mr. Steve Mok
- 2023-2024 Executive Director Introduction (Joni Yee)
- End of Year Reminders (Deborah Anderson)
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Reminder to log volunteer hours (Amy Udompanyanan)
- Link can be found on www.nobleppp.com
- Please log hours so we have number that reflect the amount of work that parents put into the program
- Recommended volunteer hours
Two children: 40 hours
Three children: 50 hours
- Importance of logging hours (Deborah Anderson)
- Question about whether “Homework Help” is a viable category for PPP volunteerism now that we are post-Covid (Amy Udompanyanan, Ms. Wilbanks, Deborah Anderson)
- PPP Enrollment (Deborah Anderson)
- Open PPP spots: 1 spot available in 1st Grade, 2 spots in 3rd Grade
- Deadline for PPP Application is Friday, 5/26/23
- PPP EOY Meet & Greet
- Keeping in touch (Deborah Anderson)
- Social media: Twitter, Facebook
- Website
- Q & A
A: (Amy Udompanyanan) Deferred to answering this question via email.
Q: How do I find my classroom’s WhatsApp chat?
A: (Deborah Anderson) Eyal Tal manages the WhatsApp chats and can direct you accordingly.
Meeting adjourned at 6:43 pm
FALL MEETINGS: 2022-2023 School Year
Date/Time: 9/8/2022, 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Place: Noble Elementary School, Room 10
Participants: Deborah Anderson (Executive Director), Amy Udompanyanan (Secretary), Victoria Connick (Head Treasurer), Eyal Tal (Parent Member-at-Large), Ava Lin (Parent Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Steve Mok (Teacher), Sumin Hong (Teacher Member-at-Large), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and PPP Parents (see totals below)
Staff attendees- 5
Parent attendees - 64
Total Attendees - 69
Kindergarten - 18
1st Grade - 21
2nd Grade - 18
3rd Grade - 19
Detailed attendance list:
Meeting slides:
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm
PPP First Grade Teacher: Ms. Wilbanks
PPP Second Grade Teacher: Mr. Mok
PPP Third Grade Teacher: Mrs. Hong
School Principal: Mrs. Ortiz
Secretary: Amy Udompanyanan
Head Treasurer: Victoria Connick
Parent Member-at-Large: Ava Lin
Parent Member-at-Large: Eyal Tal
First: $8,000
Second: $3,400
Third: $1,100 (rollover) + $500 (residual)
10/15/2022 Donations due
Meeting adjourned at 5:27 pm
Place: Noble Elementary School, Room 10
Participants: Deborah Anderson (Executive Director), Amy Udompanyanan (Secretary), Victoria Connick (Head Treasurer), Eyal Tal (Parent Member-at-Large), Ava Lin (Parent Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Steve Mok (Teacher), Sumin Hong (Teacher Member-at-Large), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and PPP Parents (see totals below)
Staff attendees- 5
Parent attendees - 64
Total Attendees - 69
Kindergarten - 18
1st Grade - 21
2nd Grade - 18
3rd Grade - 19
Detailed attendance list:
Meeting slides:
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm
- Welcome and Introductions (Deborah Anderson)
- Review of Agenda
- Glad to see so many at the PPP Social
- PPP Mission/Purpose
- Review of Agenda
- Introduction of PPP Teachers and School Principal
PPP First Grade Teacher: Ms. Wilbanks
PPP Second Grade Teacher: Mr. Mok
PPP Third Grade Teacher: Mrs. Hong
School Principal: Mrs. Ortiz
- Introduction of PPP Board Members
Secretary: Amy Udompanyanan
Head Treasurer: Victoria Connick
Parent Member-at-Large: Ava Lin
Parent Member-at-Large: Eyal Tal
- Looking back at the 2021-2022 School Year
- Example of what PPP can provide
- 2021-2022 was a transitional year
- 2021-2022 activities by classroom
- Head Treasurer’s Report (Victoria Connick)
- Starting balances for each classroom
First: $8,000
Second: $3,400
Third: $1,100 (rollover) + $500 (residual)
- Funds follow students
- Dates to remember
10/15/2022 Donations due
- Donations are voluntary
- Donations are tax deductible
- Kindergarten Classroom Treasurer needed
- Take advantage of company match to make our donations go further
- Looking ahead to the 2022-2023 School Year (Deborah Anderson)
- Welcoming parents back on campus for in-person volunteering
- Introduction and welcome from Mrs. Ortiz (Mrs. Ortiz)
- How to complete volunteer application
- Forms required
- TB clearance and full Covid vaccination are required
- Application turnaround is currently 2 weeks
- Private drivers for field trips
- No private drivers allowed at this time
- District is reviewing its policy
- When/if private drivers are allowed again
- Forms required
- Ensure private drivers meet insurance requirements
- How to complete volunteer application
- Volunteering opportunities within PPP (Deborah Anderson)
- Volunteering opportunities beyond the classroom
- PTA/District volunteering opportunities
- Broaden thinking beyond PPP
- PTA (Shanna Brewer)
- Finding our volunteer base again
- 10/21/2022 Fall Festival
- No volunteer application required for Fall Festival since it is held during “after bell” hours
- Project Cornerstone: anti-bullying initiative
- Suggested annual volunteer hours by number of PPP students (Amy Udompanyanan)
- Log volunteer hours in class and via link on the PPP website
- Keeping in touch (Deborah Anderson)
- Social media: Twitter, Facebook
- Website
- Reminders
- 10/15/2022 Donations due
- Complete PPP forms
- Parent Compact
- Media Release
- Needs
- New Executive Director for 2023-2024 School Year
- Kindergarten Classroom Treasurer
- Q & A
Meeting adjourned at 5:27 pm
MEETINGS: 2021-2022 School Year
PPP Spring Meeting Meeting
Date/Time: 5/26/2022, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Participants: Yung Tran (Executive Director), Amy Udompanyanan (Secretary), Gayatri Prabhu (Head Treasurer), Eyal Tal (Parent Member-at-Large), Ava Lin (Parent Member-at-Large), Deborah Anderson (Executive Director-elect), Victoria Connick (Head Treasurer-elect), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Jennifer Low (Teacher Member-at-Large), Sumin Hong (Teacher), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and PPP Parents (see totals below)
Staff attendees- 5
Parent attendees - 37
Total Attendees - 42
Kindergarten - 8
1st Grade - 11
2nd Grade - 14
3rd Grade - 4
Total Parent Attendees - 37
Meeting slides:
Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm
First Grade Teacher: Ms. Wilbanks
Second Grade Teacher: Ms. Low
Third Grade Teacher: Mrs. Hong
A: (Mrs. Ortiz) Kinder-6, 1st is full, 2nd-3, and 3rd is full
Q: (Abhishek Kamath) How are PPP field trips and enrichments selected?
A: (Ms. Low and Ms. Wilbanks) There are compiled lists that teachers use and sometimes parents have recommendations.
Q: (Abhishek Kamath) Can you tell me how many people voted during the last PPP election?
A: (Amy Udompanyanan) Deferred to answering this question via email.
Q: (Wayne Lee) Do you know if field trips will return next year?
A: (Mrs. Ortiz) On-site presentations are now allowed. Fifth grade Science Camp was the only in-person field trip allowed this school year, but signs are pointing to next year being a more normal school year. Busing versus parent drivers is still a question since busing is a more controlled environment.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm
Date/Time: 5/26/2022, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Participants: Yung Tran (Executive Director), Amy Udompanyanan (Secretary), Gayatri Prabhu (Head Treasurer), Eyal Tal (Parent Member-at-Large), Ava Lin (Parent Member-at-Large), Deborah Anderson (Executive Director-elect), Victoria Connick (Head Treasurer-elect), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Jennifer Low (Teacher Member-at-Large), Sumin Hong (Teacher), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and PPP Parents (see totals below)
Staff attendees- 5
Parent attendees - 37
Total Attendees - 42
Kindergarten - 8
1st Grade - 11
2nd Grade - 14
3rd Grade - 4
Total Parent Attendees - 37
Meeting slides:
Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm
- Welcome and Introductions (Yung Tran)
- PPP Mission/Purpose
- To provide the best possible learning experience in collaboration with teachers.
- Introduction of PPP Teachers
- PPP Mission/Purpose
First Grade Teacher: Ms. Wilbanks
Second Grade Teacher: Ms. Low
Third Grade Teacher: Mrs. Hong
- 2021-2022 Classroom Highlights
- Kindergarten (Ms. Gualland)
- On-campus pumpkin patch (gifted by K1 PPP classes to all K1 classes)
- First (Ms. Wilbanks)
- Second (Ms. Low)
- Students helping one another
- Learning how to work in collaboration and how to be a team
- Third (Mrs. Hong)
- Book to Bravo with SF Opera
- Theseus and the Minotaur
- Head Treasurer’s Report (Gayatri Prabhu)
- PPP Current Balance: $22,780.52
- PPP Current Balances by Classroom
- Kindergarten: $8,390.96
- First: $6,174.86
- Second: $6,299.17
- Third: $1,915.53
- Acknowledgement of 2021-2022 PPP Board Members (Yung Tran)
- Looking Forward to the 2022-2023 School Year
- Introduction of New Board Members
- Executive Director: Deborah Anderson
- Treasurer: Victoria Connick
- 2022-2023 Executive Director Introduction (Deborah Anderson)
- Introduction of New Board Members
- Reminders
- Continue logging volunteer hours
- Currently accepting PPP applications through 6/8/2022
- EOY PPP Meet & Greet
- Q & A
A: (Mrs. Ortiz) Kinder-6, 1st is full, 2nd-3, and 3rd is full
Q: (Abhishek Kamath) How are PPP field trips and enrichments selected?
A: (Ms. Low and Ms. Wilbanks) There are compiled lists that teachers use and sometimes parents have recommendations.
Q: (Abhishek Kamath) Can you tell me how many people voted during the last PPP election?
A: (Amy Udompanyanan) Deferred to answering this question via email.
Q: (Wayne Lee) Do you know if field trips will return next year?
A: (Mrs. Ortiz) On-site presentations are now allowed. Fifth grade Science Camp was the only in-person field trip allowed this school year, but signs are pointing to next year being a more normal school year. Busing versus parent drivers is still a question since busing is a more controlled environment.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm
PPP Fall Meeting Meeting Notes
Date/Time: 9/23/2021, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Participants: Yung Tran (Executive Director), Amy Udompanyanan (Secretary), Gayatri Prabhu (Head Treasurer), Eyal Tal (Parent Member-at-Large), Ava Lin (Parent Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Jennifer Low (Teacher Member-at-Large), Sumin Hong (Teacher), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and PPP Parents (see totals below)
Staff attendees - 5
Parent attendees - 46
Misc. or unknown attendees - 6
K-Gulland - 13
1-Wilbanks - 13
2-Low - 18
3-Hong - 11
Meeting slides:
Meeting called to order at 5:35 pm
Teacher Member-at-Large: Ms. Wilbanks
Teacher Member-at-Large: Ms. Low
Teacher: Mrs. Hong
Principal: Mrs. Ortiz
Secretary: Amy Udompanyanan
Head Treasurer: Gayatri Prabhu
Parent Member-at-Large: Eyal Tal
Parent Member-at-Large: Ava Lin
5:43 pm
First: $3,812.42
Second: $13,209.09
Third: $6,599.78 (rollover) + $314.07 (residual)
5:45 pm
Welcome from Mrs. Ortiz
Reminder to reach out to teachers to see how you can help
A: Possibly in spring as things settle with the Delta variant.
Q: (Joni Yee) Can you provide the website link?
A: link provided
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm
Date/Time: 9/23/2021, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Participants: Yung Tran (Executive Director), Amy Udompanyanan (Secretary), Gayatri Prabhu (Head Treasurer), Eyal Tal (Parent Member-at-Large), Ava Lin (Parent Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Jennifer Low (Teacher Member-at-Large), Sumin Hong (Teacher), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and PPP Parents (see totals below)
Staff attendees - 5
Parent attendees - 46
Misc. or unknown attendees - 6
K-Gulland - 13
1-Wilbanks - 13
2-Low - 18
3-Hong - 11
Meeting slides:
Meeting called to order at 5:35 pm
- Welcome and Introductions (Yung Tran)
- PPP Mission and Purpose
- Family and community
- Acknowledging the challenges of the pandemic
- Introduction of PPP Teachers and Principal
- PPP Mission and Purpose
Teacher Member-at-Large: Ms. Wilbanks
Teacher Member-at-Large: Ms. Low
Teacher: Mrs. Hong
Principal: Mrs. Ortiz
- Introduction of PPP Board Members
Secretary: Amy Udompanyanan
Head Treasurer: Gayatri Prabhu
Parent Member-at-Large: Eyal Tal
Parent Member-at-Large: Ava Lin
- Reflecting on the 2020-2021 School Year
- In spite of the challenges of the pandemic, we are still able to provide positive enrichments for our kids
- Accomplishments
- Water bottle refill stations
- Vendors
- Schmahl Science
- RAFT workshops
- Young Art
- 2020-2021 Activities by Classroom
- Enrichment activities are not possible without donations
5:43 pm
- Head Treasurer’s Report (Gayatri Prabhu)
- Rollover amounts for each classroom
First: $3,812.42
Second: $13,209.09
Third: $6,599.78 (rollover) + $314.07 (residual)
- Classroom budgets discussed during Back To School presentations
- Classroom donations fund opportunities these opportunities
- Donations are voluntary contributions
- Donations are tax deductible
- Reach out to class treasurers to coordinate donations for company matching
- Deadlines: 10/15/2021 and 1/15/2022
- $27,000.00 collected from last year
- Looking forward to the 2021-2022 School Year (Yung Tran)
- Parents are not able to be on campus
5:45 pm
Welcome from Mrs. Ortiz
Reminder to reach out to teachers to see how you can help
- Goal: Keep the spirit of community flourishing
- Add Communications Hub to website
- Teachers can post needs and parents can volunteer
- Maintain PPP’s visibility via marketing efforts on social media
- Grow network of resources and vendors
- Share with teachers if you are aware of other promising programs
- Continue community involvement
- Volunteering for PTA counts as volunteering for PPP
- PTA Fall and Spring Festivals
- PTA fundraiser tomorrow
- PPP legacy
- Water bottle refill stations
- What else?
- Add Communications Hub to website
- Volunteering
- Volunteering opportunities
- Volunteering requirements by child
- Tracking volunteer hours via website
- Options for keeping in touch
- Social media (Twitter, Facebook)
- Website
- What’s App
- Reminder to complete PPP forms
- Donation form
- Media release
- Parent compact
- Q & A (Yung Tran)
A: Possibly in spring as things settle with the Delta variant.
Q: (Joni Yee) Can you provide the website link?
A: link provided
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm
MEETINGS: 2020-2021 School Year
PPP Spring Meeting Meeting
May 20, 2021; 5:30-6:45PM
Attendees: Mina Tai (Executive Director), Melisa Revino (Head Treasurer), Grace Li (Executive Secretary), Juliette Bettencourt (Teacher Member-at-Large), Jennifer Low (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Rashmi Velpuri (Member-at-Large), Tom Nguyen (Member-at-Large), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and Noble PPP parents:
Kindergarten - 9
1st Grade - 15
2nd Grade - 13
3rd Grade - 5
Total Parent Attendees - 42
No questions were raised during the session.
May 20, 2021; 5:30-6:45PM
Attendees: Mina Tai (Executive Director), Melisa Revino (Head Treasurer), Grace Li (Executive Secretary), Juliette Bettencourt (Teacher Member-at-Large), Jennifer Low (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Rashmi Velpuri (Member-at-Large), Tom Nguyen (Member-at-Large), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and Noble PPP parents:
Kindergarten - 9
1st Grade - 15
2nd Grade - 13
3rd Grade - 5
Total Parent Attendees - 42
- 2020-2021 Progress and Accomplishments
- Enrollment Next Year
- Kinder: Full class with 12 on the waitlist
- 1st grade: 23 with no waitlist
- 2nd grade: Full class with 1 on the waitlist
- 3rd grade: Full with 5 on the waitlist - What’s ahead 2021-2022
- PPP meeting will be on Zoom for ongoing convenience
- CMA: Same volunteers will continue on to the next year
- Schmahl and RAFT: Recommending continued partnerships - Appreciations go out to Head Treasurer, Executive Secretary, Members at Large, Dr. Fuentes, Mrs. Ortiz, and CMAs for supporting PPP marketing efforts
- PPP Executive Director Position still open for next year!
- Introductions of candidates for next year’s Board of Directors
- Amy Udompanyanan for Executive Secretary
- Gayatri Prabhu for Head Treasurer
- Eyal Tal for Member-at-Large
- Ava Lin for Member-at-Large
- Len Truong for Member-at-Large - Election Process
- YTD volunteer hours report as of May 14, 2021
- Please continue to submit your volunteer hours through the end of the school year
- Kindergarten: Ms. Gulland
- 1st Grade: Ms. Wilbanks
- 2nd Grade: Ms. Low
- 3rd Grade: Mrs. Bettencourt
- Mrs. Bettencourt is retiring from teaching after 24 years of service and leadership!
- Mrs. Hong will be the 2021-2022 PPP Teacher for 3rd Grade
No questions were raised during the session.
PPP Fall Meeting Meeting Notes
September 9, 2020; 5:30-6:30PM
Attendees: Mina Tai (Executive Director), Melisa Revino (Head Treasurer), Grace Li (Executive Secretary), Juliette Bettencourt (Teacher Member-at-Large), Jennifer Low (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Rashmi Velpuri (Member-at-Large), Tom Nguyen (Member-at-Large), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and Noble PPP parents:
Kindergarten - 13
1st Grade - 23
2nd Grade - 13
3rd Grade - 11
Unknown - 3
Total Parent Attendees - 63
Executive Director: Mina Tai
Executive Secretary: Grace Li
Head Treasurer: Melisa Revino
Parent Member-at-Large: Rashmi Velpuri
Parent Member-at-Large: Tom Nguyen
Teacher: Mrs. Gulland
Teacher Member-at-Large: Mrs. Wilbanks
Teacher: Ms. Low
Teacher Member-at-Large: Mrs. Bettencourt
Meeting adjourned at 6:45PM
September 9, 2020; 5:30-6:30PM
Attendees: Mina Tai (Executive Director), Melisa Revino (Head Treasurer), Grace Li (Executive Secretary), Juliette Bettencourt (Teacher Member-at-Large), Jennifer Low (Teacher), Donna Wilbanks (Teacher Member-at-Large), Kathryn Gulland (Teacher), Rashmi Velpuri (Member-at-Large), Tom Nguyen (Member-at-Large), Andrea Ortiz (Principal), and Noble PPP parents:
Kindergarten - 13
1st Grade - 23
2nd Grade - 13
3rd Grade - 11
Unknown - 3
Total Parent Attendees - 63
Executive Director: Mina Tai
Executive Secretary: Grace Li
Head Treasurer: Melisa Revino
Parent Member-at-Large: Rashmi Velpuri
Parent Member-at-Large: Tom Nguyen
Teacher: Mrs. Gulland
Teacher Member-at-Large: Mrs. Wilbanks
Teacher: Ms. Low
Teacher Member-at-Large: Mrs. Bettencourt
- 2019-2020 Accomplishments.
- 2020-2021 Goals - Support our teachers during distance learning.
- Summary of meeting with Dr. Fuentes on August 14, 2020.
- PPP Program Guide - volunteer hours based on PPP Program Guide agreement . (25/child, 40hrs/2 children, 50hrs/3 or more children)
- Reminder to sign the PPP Compact (provided by teachers).
- Sample of volunteer opportunities - teachers will provide their own based on needs.
- Instruction on how to log on outside of classroom hours on nobleppp.com website.
- Coordinate with your class to have parents collect funds and establish large group donations with company matching. Reach out to classroom treasurer regarding group donation.
- Teachers may have discussed and asked to review the budget for 2020-2021 with the suggested donation amount. The donations are tax deductible.
- Individual donations should be mailed to school:
Noble School
Attn: PPP Head Treasurer/Melisa Revino
3466 Grossmont Drive, San Jose, CA 95132 - Company’s Matching Program Administrator will need the following:
Total Monetary Amount to Match
TAX ID number: 20-1508707
Additional Information: Name of Parent, Child, Teacher’s Name and/or Class Grade - Matching funds goes a long way to support a successful academic year, but the process takes 2-3 months. We discourage discounting donation amounts based on company matching because the company matching funds may or may not come in.
- Donation forms can be found on nobleppp.com website.
- Ways PPP parents can support learning during the first trimester of school.
- Ways students can support learning during the first trimester of school.
- PPP Teacher survey to be shared every 2-3 months.
- Communication Marketing Assistant (CMA) positions open for K, 2nd, and 3rd grade.
- Keep the donation going.
- New families to fill out email release forms sent by Grace Li, our executive secretary.
- Be patient and understanding and contact the teachers directly for issues.
- Executive Director
- Head Treasurer
- Parent Member-at-Large
- It is important to join the PTA community to collaborate with teachers, parents, and the administration.
- PPP may donate funds to PTA.
- PPP volunteer hours can also include volunteer hours for PTA.
- As first time kinder parents of PPP, how do we know the needs of the class?
- Are the virtual office hours for kids or for parents?
- How are teachers managing volunteer needs?
- As kinder parents, how do we build a virtual community amongst the parents?
Meeting adjourned at 6:45PM
Superintendent Meeting Discussion Points
August 14, 2020; 1:00-2:00PM Zoom Meeting
Attendees: Dr. Fuentes (Superintendent), Mina Tai (Executive Director) and Grace Li (Executive Secretary)
(“F” and “M” represent information presented by Dr. Fuentes and Mina respectively)
I. Current Resources
(1) Zoom: current package is paid and includes breakout rooms for teachers to manage. (F)
(2) Seesaw (K-2nd Grade) and Google Classroom (3-8th grade) to capture daily attendance, participation, engagement, and completion of assignments in accordance to SB98. (F)
II. Potential Resources and Ideas
(1) RAFT Science Workshops (not GNSS) – the organization collaborates with teachers for hands-on science learning and sends workshop kits in advance to students. We are looking into doing 60-minutes sessions (First 30 minutes for ½ of the students monitored by the teacher while the other ½ of the students do independent study. The groups swap in the second 30 minutes) (M) (F)
(2) IXL (Grade level specific personalized learning (https://www.ixl.com/). (M)
(3) Online field-trips and guest educators – PPP is reaching out to field-trip resources from past to see if anything could be taught online. We have already reached out to Schmahl Science. (M)
(4) Possible outside of instructional time activities – Teacher’s presence not required. (M)/(F)
(5) Project Cornerstone – Not every class has Project Cornerstone. One idea is to have it presented during the check-in time (8:30-9:00AM) by teachers as a part of their curriculum. This could fulfill the state’s requirement for social and emotional health. (F)
(6) Any other resources teachers might be interested in – Survey the teachers and speak to Ortiz about technology and licenses that might benefit classroom instructions (such as tri-pot or bitmoji). (F)
I. Student Privacy on Media
New regulations as a result of distance learning does not allow anyone to share videos/images of students on Zoom on social media. Teachers should not take screen prints of their class and post it anywhere on social media due to this new privacy legislation. We can, however, share classroom teachings with the images/videos of the teachers or guest educators. (F) We have taken down all Zoom images of students on PPP FB page and are working on the Media Release Form for guest educators. (M)
II. Classroom Helpers
Under the current instructional model, the district only allows employees of BUSD or approved guest speakers/educators to access digital classrooms and host classes or workshops. For the privacy and safety of the students, parent volunteers and high-school helpers do not have access to digital classrooms to lead instructions, with or without the presence of the teachers.
(1) Can parent volunteers work with students in Zoom breakout rooms?
No. New regulation for student privacy as a result of distance learning only gives digital classroom access to BUSD employees and approved guest speakers/educators. Parent volunteers will not have access to these digital classrooms to host Zoom breakout sessions.
(2) Can we still have Project Cornerstone readers in class this year?
Not every class uses Project Cornerstone. We will be able to have our school social workers implement community and character building lessons, including portions of the Project Cornerstone curriculum. It is also suggested that teachers include this into the check-in sessions as a part of the social and mental health curriculum per the state’s requirement. Teachers can lead Project Cornerstone in their own classrooms if they choose.
(3) Can we still use High School students to lead coding/3D printing activities during Google Meet?
No. Right now with the added student privacy regulation, someone has to be the employee of BUSD or an approved guest speaker/educator to access digital classrooms of any kind.
(4) How does BUSD react to changing guidelines from the state and county? Do all decisions go through the school board, Dr. Fuentes and her cabinet, principals, etc.?
District must follow guidelines from the county/state. The district’s job is to implement the guidelines but cannot direct the guidelines. In case the county and state have conflicting guidelines, the district is to follow the more restrictive one. For example, if the state removes the guideline on face covering and the county keeps the guideline, the district must go with the county guideline since it is more restrictive. The cabinet and principals would make decisions on how health guidelines would be implemented for their schools and how they want to support their teachers and staff to fulfill these guidelines.
(5) Once the district is ready to go to the hybrid learning model, will the students that choose to stay with online learning really have to move to another school?
Our ultimate goal is to keep the students where they are as much as possible for continuity purposes. This decision will depend on several factors:
(1) State/county requirements established.
(2) Completion of safety measures at each school according to state/county/district requirements.
(3) Distribution of learning mode preferences amongst students (hybrid or staying with remote).
(4) Sufficient staff to support the hybrid initiative.
(6) Do we have enough substitute teachers on board with remote learning?
Last spring we had minimal needs for substitutes. This year we have sufficient substitutes to assist us.
(7) Can PPP pay for things like visual visitors or technology directly and send proof of payment to the district? Going through the district office via PO will require more paperwork and create messier accounting work.
According to Mr. Franklin, we can work directly with the vendors at this time and make arrangements as needed without utilizing the PO process. PO process is necessary for buses and vendors who need to access the physical school site due to liability purposes.
(8) How are we doing in terms of PPE equipment?
We started ordering in spring and received most orders. We have enough funding and equipment for the beginning of the year but not yet for the entire year. We also received water refill stations for the entire district. We have done a lot of work to help schools be in the “readiness mode” in case we transition to another phase of the learning model.
(9) Any suggestions on how parents can support Noble and PPP this year?
Enrichment Opportunities: Parents should be encouraged to bring enrichment possibilities to the classrooms. Elevation of our children’s learning experiences is what makes PPP different. We may not be able to help with the classrooms during instructional time but we could initiate more of these learning experiences to the classrooms and have sufficient funding to support these initiatives. Licenses and Technologies for Teachers: Work with the teachers and Mrs. Ortiz on applications, tools, and licenses teachers need for online learning.
August 14, 2020; 1:00-2:00PM Zoom Meeting
Attendees: Dr. Fuentes (Superintendent), Mina Tai (Executive Director) and Grace Li (Executive Secretary)
(“F” and “M” represent information presented by Dr. Fuentes and Mina respectively)
I. Current Resources
(1) Zoom: current package is paid and includes breakout rooms for teachers to manage. (F)
(2) Seesaw (K-2nd Grade) and Google Classroom (3-8th grade) to capture daily attendance, participation, engagement, and completion of assignments in accordance to SB98. (F)
II. Potential Resources and Ideas
(1) RAFT Science Workshops (not GNSS) – the organization collaborates with teachers for hands-on science learning and sends workshop kits in advance to students. We are looking into doing 60-minutes sessions (First 30 minutes for ½ of the students monitored by the teacher while the other ½ of the students do independent study. The groups swap in the second 30 minutes) (M) (F)
(2) IXL (Grade level specific personalized learning (https://www.ixl.com/). (M)
(3) Online field-trips and guest educators – PPP is reaching out to field-trip resources from past to see if anything could be taught online. We have already reached out to Schmahl Science. (M)
(4) Possible outside of instructional time activities – Teacher’s presence not required. (M)/(F)
(5) Project Cornerstone – Not every class has Project Cornerstone. One idea is to have it presented during the check-in time (8:30-9:00AM) by teachers as a part of their curriculum. This could fulfill the state’s requirement for social and emotional health. (F)
(6) Any other resources teachers might be interested in – Survey the teachers and speak to Ortiz about technology and licenses that might benefit classroom instructions (such as tri-pot or bitmoji). (F)
I. Student Privacy on Media
New regulations as a result of distance learning does not allow anyone to share videos/images of students on Zoom on social media. Teachers should not take screen prints of their class and post it anywhere on social media due to this new privacy legislation. We can, however, share classroom teachings with the images/videos of the teachers or guest educators. (F) We have taken down all Zoom images of students on PPP FB page and are working on the Media Release Form for guest educators. (M)
II. Classroom Helpers
Under the current instructional model, the district only allows employees of BUSD or approved guest speakers/educators to access digital classrooms and host classes or workshops. For the privacy and safety of the students, parent volunteers and high-school helpers do not have access to digital classrooms to lead instructions, with or without the presence of the teachers.
(1) Can parent volunteers work with students in Zoom breakout rooms?
No. New regulation for student privacy as a result of distance learning only gives digital classroom access to BUSD employees and approved guest speakers/educators. Parent volunteers will not have access to these digital classrooms to host Zoom breakout sessions.
(2) Can we still have Project Cornerstone readers in class this year?
Not every class uses Project Cornerstone. We will be able to have our school social workers implement community and character building lessons, including portions of the Project Cornerstone curriculum. It is also suggested that teachers include this into the check-in sessions as a part of the social and mental health curriculum per the state’s requirement. Teachers can lead Project Cornerstone in their own classrooms if they choose.
(3) Can we still use High School students to lead coding/3D printing activities during Google Meet?
No. Right now with the added student privacy regulation, someone has to be the employee of BUSD or an approved guest speaker/educator to access digital classrooms of any kind.
(4) How does BUSD react to changing guidelines from the state and county? Do all decisions go through the school board, Dr. Fuentes and her cabinet, principals, etc.?
District must follow guidelines from the county/state. The district’s job is to implement the guidelines but cannot direct the guidelines. In case the county and state have conflicting guidelines, the district is to follow the more restrictive one. For example, if the state removes the guideline on face covering and the county keeps the guideline, the district must go with the county guideline since it is more restrictive. The cabinet and principals would make decisions on how health guidelines would be implemented for their schools and how they want to support their teachers and staff to fulfill these guidelines.
(5) Once the district is ready to go to the hybrid learning model, will the students that choose to stay with online learning really have to move to another school?
Our ultimate goal is to keep the students where they are as much as possible for continuity purposes. This decision will depend on several factors:
(1) State/county requirements established.
(2) Completion of safety measures at each school according to state/county/district requirements.
(3) Distribution of learning mode preferences amongst students (hybrid or staying with remote).
(4) Sufficient staff to support the hybrid initiative.
(6) Do we have enough substitute teachers on board with remote learning?
Last spring we had minimal needs for substitutes. This year we have sufficient substitutes to assist us.
(7) Can PPP pay for things like visual visitors or technology directly and send proof of payment to the district? Going through the district office via PO will require more paperwork and create messier accounting work.
According to Mr. Franklin, we can work directly with the vendors at this time and make arrangements as needed without utilizing the PO process. PO process is necessary for buses and vendors who need to access the physical school site due to liability purposes.
(8) How are we doing in terms of PPE equipment?
We started ordering in spring and received most orders. We have enough funding and equipment for the beginning of the year but not yet for the entire year. We also received water refill stations for the entire district. We have done a lot of work to help schools be in the “readiness mode” in case we transition to another phase of the learning model.
(9) Any suggestions on how parents can support Noble and PPP this year?
Enrichment Opportunities: Parents should be encouraged to bring enrichment possibilities to the classrooms. Elevation of our children’s learning experiences is what makes PPP different. We may not be able to help with the classrooms during instructional time but we could initiate more of these learning experiences to the classrooms and have sufficient funding to support these initiatives. Licenses and Technologies for Teachers: Work with the teachers and Mrs. Ortiz on applications, tools, and licenses teachers need for online learning.
MEETINGS: 2019-2020 School Year
May 28, 2020 (6:00pm-7:04pm)- Spring meeting
Spring meeting for PPP is conducted via Zoom meeting due to shelter in place
PPP Board Members (2019-2020): Mina Tai, Executive Director- present
Jennifer Huang, Executive Secretary- present
Melissa Revino, Head Treasurer- present
Tom Nguyen, Member-at-Large- present
Rashmi Velpuri, Member-at-Large- present
Mrs. Juliette Bettencourt, Teacher Member-at-Large- present
Mrs. Donna Wilbanks, Teacher Member-at-Large- present
Members attendance: 46 across all grade levels Mina provided a presentation via Zoom.
Agenda included:
1) Executive Director’s report
2) Head Treasurer’s report
3) Teacher’s report
4) Other business
5) Questions and answers
1) Accomplishments achieved for the school year 2019-2020:
a) Dr. Fuentes made an video about ppp that is posted in the website
b) Enhanced social media platforms via Facebook and Twitter marketing PPP and recruiting new students
c) PPP website domain has been simplified to nobleppp.com
d) New display case located at the right side of the main office showing the activities across all 4 PPP grades
e) Participated for the first time school expo at Villa sports on January 25 generating new leads.
2) Financial standing by Melisa Revino. The remaining balance from 3rd grade will be forwarded to 4th graders. This decision was made for this year only due to the circumstances of COVID-19. Each class will also give $500 to the upcoming kinder class to start off.
3) Teacher’s report: Changes in staff
There is a shift in the staffing for PPP. Mrs. Kleinschmidt, 1st grade PPP teacher, is moving. Ms. Wilbanks, former kinder teacher, will become the 1st grade teacher. Ms. Gulland kinder teacher from Noble will now be the new PPP kinder teacher. Please welcome her to our program. 2nd grade Ms. Low and 3rd grade Mrs. Bettencourt will continue to teach their grade level. As the circumstances for the next school year remains fluid, please continue to support your teacher as much as possible.
4) Other business
a) There are a couple of open positions on the PTA team for the 2020-2021 school year for Membership Chair and Parliamentarian. Please contact Shanna Brewer ([email protected]) for more details and/or if you are interested.
b) Jennifer Huang, executive secretary, will no longer be secretary for next school year. Anyone who is interested can nominate yourself or someone. Voting will be done electronically.
5) Q & A
Questions regarding class list for kinder, how classes will look like with the fall, how will we be able to keep social distances between kids are answered in the minutes below.
a) Mrs. Ortiz explained that currently there is no class list available for kinder as it is done electronically. 11 students registered for both language immersion and PPP. The district is going through the waitlist and confirming attendance.
b) As many of us are wondering how the next school year (first day of school is August 17) will look like, Mrs. Ortiz gave us a couple of scenarios. There will be no cross classroom teaching for upper grades, staggered schedules, students sit at their desk for lunch, no more reading buddies. The school day might be broken into two parts with half distance learning and the other half in classroom instruction. The main objective is to try to limit the amount of exposure to other kids. She is waiting for further instruction and guidance from the Santa Clara County Health Department and Superintendent of Education before updating parents accordingly.
Meeting adjourned at 7:04pm
September 19th, 2019 (5:30-6:00pm) - Fall meeting
PPP Board Members (2019-2020):
Mina Tai, Executive Director- present
Jennifer Huang, Executive Secretary- present
Melissa Revino, Head Treasurer- present
Tom Nguyen, Member-at-Large- present
Rashmi Velpuri, Member-at-Large- present
Mrs. Juliette Bettencourt, Teacher Member-at-Large- absent
Mrs. Donna Wilbanks, Teacher Member-at-Large- present
Kindergarten - 19 parents
First grade - 20 parents
Second grade - 19 parents
Third grade - 9 parents
Topics of Discussion:
Mina Tai started the introduction of PPP and the board members. Encouraged parents to participate/volunteer and importance of monetary donation. PTA president and secretary was also present. We now currently have a display case on the wall for PPP to post any newsletter, each class will have a section to decorate and display their work. There will also be a school newsletter section.
1) Marketing of PPP
a) video that the school district will help us make
b) we need the media release forms signed
c) kinder registration table at BUSD
d) paying for new website address put to vote. It will now be www.nobleppp.com
i) 2 years: 17 votes for yes
ii) 5 years: 20 votes for yes
iii) 2 votes for not paying for new website
Melissa: Read out the financials
Donations made it possible for school wide field trips and assemblies.
a) 1st grade (2018-2019) made donation of dinosaur assembly to school
b) 2nd grade (2018-2019) made donation of mobile ed a STEAM museum taking place
October 23, 2019
c) 3rd grade (2019-2020) will be performing with San Francisco Opera at our school “The Pirates of Penzance” taking place October 10, 2019
Collaboration between PPP and PTA:
1) Shanna Brewer (PTA president): Currently there are 115 members 40% increase from last year. Spoke about the Move-a-thon fundraiser. Another exciting program is the arts competition call Reflections a district wide competition with a deadline October 7.
2) Project cornerstone: 7 readers are still needed. Parents do not need to come up with the lesson plan. It’s a great way to be involved in the classroom and it counts toward volunteer hours.
Q & A
Q: A parent asked if there is any regulation regarding the extra donation funds
A: Mina read the bylaws that states initial budget needs approval which is done at back to school night. After that any extra spending is dependent on the teacher to present to the board members. The 7 board members will then decided to approve or not. Parents do not need to be notified or have a vote on how its spent.
A: Another parent responded that their class did decide how to spend the extra funds so its possible to get parents involved.
A: Mina responds that its dependent on the teachers. Back to school night is a great time to ask teachers this question.
A: Another parent mentioned about the teachers have a second budget in January.
May 28, 2020 (6:00pm-7:04pm)- Spring meeting
Spring meeting for PPP is conducted via Zoom meeting due to shelter in place
PPP Board Members (2019-2020): Mina Tai, Executive Director- present
Jennifer Huang, Executive Secretary- present
Melissa Revino, Head Treasurer- present
Tom Nguyen, Member-at-Large- present
Rashmi Velpuri, Member-at-Large- present
Mrs. Juliette Bettencourt, Teacher Member-at-Large- present
Mrs. Donna Wilbanks, Teacher Member-at-Large- present
Members attendance: 46 across all grade levels Mina provided a presentation via Zoom.
Agenda included:
1) Executive Director’s report
2) Head Treasurer’s report
3) Teacher’s report
4) Other business
5) Questions and answers
1) Accomplishments achieved for the school year 2019-2020:
a) Dr. Fuentes made an video about ppp that is posted in the website
b) Enhanced social media platforms via Facebook and Twitter marketing PPP and recruiting new students
c) PPP website domain has been simplified to nobleppp.com
d) New display case located at the right side of the main office showing the activities across all 4 PPP grades
e) Participated for the first time school expo at Villa sports on January 25 generating new leads.
2) Financial standing by Melisa Revino. The remaining balance from 3rd grade will be forwarded to 4th graders. This decision was made for this year only due to the circumstances of COVID-19. Each class will also give $500 to the upcoming kinder class to start off.
3) Teacher’s report: Changes in staff
There is a shift in the staffing for PPP. Mrs. Kleinschmidt, 1st grade PPP teacher, is moving. Ms. Wilbanks, former kinder teacher, will become the 1st grade teacher. Ms. Gulland kinder teacher from Noble will now be the new PPP kinder teacher. Please welcome her to our program. 2nd grade Ms. Low and 3rd grade Mrs. Bettencourt will continue to teach their grade level. As the circumstances for the next school year remains fluid, please continue to support your teacher as much as possible.
4) Other business
a) There are a couple of open positions on the PTA team for the 2020-2021 school year for Membership Chair and Parliamentarian. Please contact Shanna Brewer ([email protected]) for more details and/or if you are interested.
b) Jennifer Huang, executive secretary, will no longer be secretary for next school year. Anyone who is interested can nominate yourself or someone. Voting will be done electronically.
5) Q & A
Questions regarding class list for kinder, how classes will look like with the fall, how will we be able to keep social distances between kids are answered in the minutes below.
a) Mrs. Ortiz explained that currently there is no class list available for kinder as it is done electronically. 11 students registered for both language immersion and PPP. The district is going through the waitlist and confirming attendance.
b) As many of us are wondering how the next school year (first day of school is August 17) will look like, Mrs. Ortiz gave us a couple of scenarios. There will be no cross classroom teaching for upper grades, staggered schedules, students sit at their desk for lunch, no more reading buddies. The school day might be broken into two parts with half distance learning and the other half in classroom instruction. The main objective is to try to limit the amount of exposure to other kids. She is waiting for further instruction and guidance from the Santa Clara County Health Department and Superintendent of Education before updating parents accordingly.
Meeting adjourned at 7:04pm
September 19th, 2019 (5:30-6:00pm) - Fall meeting
PPP Board Members (2019-2020):
Mina Tai, Executive Director- present
Jennifer Huang, Executive Secretary- present
Melissa Revino, Head Treasurer- present
Tom Nguyen, Member-at-Large- present
Rashmi Velpuri, Member-at-Large- present
Mrs. Juliette Bettencourt, Teacher Member-at-Large- absent
Mrs. Donna Wilbanks, Teacher Member-at-Large- present
Kindergarten - 19 parents
First grade - 20 parents
Second grade - 19 parents
Third grade - 9 parents
Topics of Discussion:
Mina Tai started the introduction of PPP and the board members. Encouraged parents to participate/volunteer and importance of monetary donation. PTA president and secretary was also present. We now currently have a display case on the wall for PPP to post any newsletter, each class will have a section to decorate and display their work. There will also be a school newsletter section.
1) Marketing of PPP
a) video that the school district will help us make
b) we need the media release forms signed
c) kinder registration table at BUSD
d) paying for new website address put to vote. It will now be www.nobleppp.com
i) 2 years: 17 votes for yes
ii) 5 years: 20 votes for yes
iii) 2 votes for not paying for new website
Melissa: Read out the financials
Donations made it possible for school wide field trips and assemblies.
a) 1st grade (2018-2019) made donation of dinosaur assembly to school
b) 2nd grade (2018-2019) made donation of mobile ed a STEAM museum taking place
October 23, 2019
c) 3rd grade (2019-2020) will be performing with San Francisco Opera at our school “The Pirates of Penzance” taking place October 10, 2019
Collaboration between PPP and PTA:
1) Shanna Brewer (PTA president): Currently there are 115 members 40% increase from last year. Spoke about the Move-a-thon fundraiser. Another exciting program is the arts competition call Reflections a district wide competition with a deadline October 7.
2) Project cornerstone: 7 readers are still needed. Parents do not need to come up with the lesson plan. It’s a great way to be involved in the classroom and it counts toward volunteer hours.
Q & A
Q: A parent asked if there is any regulation regarding the extra donation funds
A: Mina read the bylaws that states initial budget needs approval which is done at back to school night. After that any extra spending is dependent on the teacher to present to the board members. The 7 board members will then decided to approve or not. Parents do not need to be notified or have a vote on how its spent.
A: Another parent responded that their class did decide how to spend the extra funds so its possible to get parents involved.
A: Mina responds that its dependent on the teachers. Back to school night is a great time to ask teachers this question.
A: Another parent mentioned about the teachers have a second budget in January.
June 26, 2019 (1:00-2:30pm):
Meeting between Dr. Fuentes (Superintendent), Mina Tai (Executive Director) and Jennifer Huang (Executive Secretary). Topics Discussed:
A) Marketing
District will hire contractor for making a video for PPP at no cost. Project will start in fall of 2019 and is projected to be completed by end of 2019.
1) District website: video of PPP classroom activities, pictures of field trips, spokesperson to advocate PPP, teacher/parent/student voicing their experiences, sharing history and mission statement. Video will be less than one minute.
2) New class position communication and marketing assistant
3) Set up table at district office during registration period to promote our program.
i) bring scrapbooks, memory books, informational board of each grade to promote program.
ii) registration process, information night meeting
4) Different channels (Facebook, Twitter) to communicate to potential new parents to join program.
should be named “Noble Parent Participation Program”. Dr. Fuentes suggested to state on description section “An organization of parents supporting PPP at Noble Elementary”, “All opinions are independent to organization.”
B) Website:
1) BUSD is currently redesigning district website. Dr. Fuentes will help advertise the two
Alternative programs (PPP and Language immersion) on the new BUSD website.
2) Informed Dr. Fuentes about PPP's website: nobleppp.weebly.com
C) Parent participation
The meaning of the program. The integral part of the program is parents being involved in the child’s education. Parents making an impact whether it be in the classroom or outside. Shows parent care and improve the overall experience of the child’s education in school. Teachers to open up their classrooms for parents to help. The field trips and extra workshops are a great addition to student’s education, but the volunteer hours from parents make it possible to provide the extra help for teachers and students to learn.
Meeting between Dr. Fuentes (Superintendent), Mina Tai (Executive Director) and Jennifer Huang (Executive Secretary). Topics Discussed:
A) Marketing
District will hire contractor for making a video for PPP at no cost. Project will start in fall of 2019 and is projected to be completed by end of 2019.
1) District website: video of PPP classroom activities, pictures of field trips, spokesperson to advocate PPP, teacher/parent/student voicing their experiences, sharing history and mission statement. Video will be less than one minute.
2) New class position communication and marketing assistant
3) Set up table at district office during registration period to promote our program.
i) bring scrapbooks, memory books, informational board of each grade to promote program.
ii) registration process, information night meeting
4) Different channels (Facebook, Twitter) to communicate to potential new parents to join program.
should be named “Noble Parent Participation Program”. Dr. Fuentes suggested to state on description section “An organization of parents supporting PPP at Noble Elementary”, “All opinions are independent to organization.”
B) Website:
1) BUSD is currently redesigning district website. Dr. Fuentes will help advertise the two
Alternative programs (PPP and Language immersion) on the new BUSD website.
2) Informed Dr. Fuentes about PPP's website: nobleppp.weebly.com
C) Parent participation
The meaning of the program. The integral part of the program is parents being involved in the child’s education. Parents making an impact whether it be in the classroom or outside. Shows parent care and improve the overall experience of the child’s education in school. Teachers to open up their classrooms for parents to help. The field trips and extra workshops are a great addition to student’s education, but the volunteer hours from parents make it possible to provide the extra help for teachers and students to learn.